Tumut the Perfect Town!

Tumut the Perfect Town! We couldn't agree more with this little article by Domain about the town of Tumut, at the base of the Snowy Mountains. Three Blue Ducks restaurant at Nimbo Fork Lodge is just a 20-minute drive from town. If you haven't visited our restaurant yet, now is the time to book [...]

Tumut the Perfect Town!2024-05-17T03:33:04+00:00

Her Canberra dines with us!

Her Canberra dines with us! We were thrilled to have our mates from Her Canberra dines with us at Nimbo Fork Lodge recently. They wrote a little feature about their time with us. You can read it HERE. Our Head Chef Frankie and Restaurant Manager Lucy have created an Autumn menu and service that [...]

Her Canberra dines with us!2024-03-22T01:58:54+00:00

Meet the Duck – Lucy Young

I was raised in a household with great food at its heart. Each social occasion meant pulling out recipe books, lists of ingredients, days of preparation, and a thorough run sheet. I learnt from a young age how effective food is at bringing people together. All my first jobs were in hospitality - an Italian [...]

Meet the Duck – Lucy Young2022-09-28T04:34:41+00:00
